How to Needlepoint


When you begin your first project - it seems absolutely impossible.

Overwhelmed by the canvas ( with or without a design ) - the fibers and the needles that just sit on your work area and stare back at you listlessly - you sheepishly peek at the instructions with diagrams and wonder why you even thought of getting involved.

The best thing to do - at this time - is practice a few stitches on a small piece of spare canvas with extra fibers you may have.

If you do not have these play things - check with a local or internet shop to see if they will supply them - they usually do.

Needlepoint Stitches
The Basketweave Stitches

Above we show the basket weave stitch process - which is a fabulous favorite as it does not bias the canvas and creates a thick - full finish.

Leave this stitch for a latter time - as it is a bit tricky at first.

We recommend attacking the simple half-stitch first.

Needlepoint - Half Cross Stitch
Half Cross Stitch
The half-cross stitch goes from one hole to the next row - and then - one hole up.

Half Cross Stitch
Half Cross Stitch - Front
The stitches lay in rows and look like grains of rice lined up diagonally. 

Watch that you do not pull the stitches too tightly - or leave them too loose. 

The stitch tension should be the same and requires a sixth sense which you will acquire very quickly.

Back - Half Cross Stitch
Half Cross Stitch - Back
The back of the Half-Cross stitched canvas looks like the photograph above. It is said that the back of the stitched canvases should look as impeccably neat and clean as the front.

Now - just play - until stitching becomes familiar to you !!

There are over 475 different stitches. Yet artists are inventing new stitches every day.

The basic half cross stitch is seen above - we will add the tent or Continental stitches and basket weave stitch instructions soon.

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